The producer as composer : shaping the sounds of popular music / Virgil Moorefield

Av: Utgivning: Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, cop. 2005Beskrivning: xix, 143 sISBN:
  • 0-262-13457-8
  • 978-0-262-51405-7 (pbk pr. 2010)
Ämne: DDK-klassifikation:
  • 781.49 23
  • 781.49 22
  • Ijx
  • Ijb.55
  • Ijae
Sammanfattning: The evolution of the record producer from technician to auteur, from Phil Spector and George Martin to the rise of hip-hop and remixing. In the 1960s, rock and pop music recording questioned the convention that recordings should recreate the illusion of a concert hall setting. The Wall of Sound that Phil Spector built behind various artists and the intricate eclecticism of George Martin's recordings of the Beatles did not resemble live performances - in the Albert Hall or elsewhere - but instead created a new sonic world
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The evolution of the record producer from technician to auteur, from Phil Spector and George Martin to the rise of hip-hop and remixing. In the 1960s, rock and pop music recording questioned the convention that recordings should recreate the illusion of a concert hall setting. The Wall of Sound that Phil Spector built behind various artists and the intricate eclecticism of George Martin's recordings of the Beatles did not resemble live performances - in the Albert Hall or elsewhere - but instead created a new sonic world


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