CageTalk : dialogues with and about John Cage / edited by Peter Dickinson.

Medverkande: Språk: Engelska Serie: Eastman studies in music ; 38Utgivning: Rochester, NY : University of Rochester Press, 2006Beskrivning: 265 s. illISBN:
  • 1580462375
Ämne: DDK-klassifikation:
  • 780.92 22 (machine generated)
  • Ijz Cage, John
Cage and Friends: John Cage ; Merce Cunningham ; Bonnie Bird ; David Tudor ; Jackson Mac Low ; Minna Lederman -- Colleagues and Criticism: Virgil Thomson ; Otto Luening ; Karlheinz Stockhausen ; Earle Brown ; Kurt Schwertsik ; La Monte Young ; John Rockwell ; Pauline Oliveros ; Paul Zukofsky -- Earlier Interviews: Cage with David Sylvester and Roger Smalley ; Cage with Frank Kermode ; Cage with Michael Oliver -- Extravaganzas: About musicircus : Cage with Peter Dickinson ; Introducing Roaratorio : Cage, Cunningham, and Peadar Mercier with Peter Dickinson ; Europeras and after : Cage with Anthony Cheevers
Sammanfattning: The main source of CageTalk is a panoply of vivid and compulsively readable interviews given to Peter Dickinson in the late 1980s for a BBC Radio 3 documentary. The original BBC program lasted an hour but the full discussions with Cage and many of the main figures connected with him have remained unpublished until now
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Includes bibliographical references and index.

Cage and Friends: John Cage ; Merce Cunningham ; Bonnie Bird ; David Tudor ; Jackson Mac Low ; Minna Lederman -- Colleagues and Criticism: Virgil Thomson ; Otto Luening ; Karlheinz Stockhausen ; Earle Brown ; Kurt Schwertsik ; La Monte Young ; John Rockwell ; Pauline Oliveros ; Paul Zukofsky -- Earlier Interviews: Cage with David Sylvester and Roger Smalley ; Cage with Frank Kermode ; Cage with Michael Oliver -- Extravaganzas: About musicircus : Cage with Peter Dickinson ; Introducing Roaratorio : Cage, Cunningham, and Peadar Mercier with Peter Dickinson ; Europeras and after : Cage with Anthony Cheevers

The main source of CageTalk is a panoply of vivid and compulsively readable interviews given to Peter Dickinson in the late 1980s for a BBC Radio 3 documentary. The original BBC program lasted an hour but the full discussions with Cage and many of the main figures connected with him have remained unpublished until now

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