The encyclopedia of popular music / edited by Colin Larkin

Medverkande: Utgivning: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006Utgåva: 4. edBeskrivning: 10 volISBN:
  • 0-19-531373-9 (hela verket)
  • 978-0-19-531373-4 (hela verket)
Ämne: Genre/Form: DDK-klassifikation:
  • 782.4216403 21
  • Ijx(x)
  • Lmij
Delvis innehåll:
Vol. 10, Indexes: s. 2-310: Song and album title index. S. 311-740: General index
Sammanfattning: Provides information on a range of popular music genres, including rock, pop, jazz, folk, blues, heavy metal, techno, R&B, reggae, and hip-hop. This biographical encyclopedia contains a name index, an index of song titles, and bibliographies by artist and subject. Expanded to ten volumes, the new edition contains 6,000 new entries and extensive revisions and updates throughout, yielding 50% more material than the 1998 Third Edition. In addition to a fully revised 10 volume hardcover edition, The Encyclopedia of Popular Music will go online in 2007 as a regularly updated subscription product that will be interactive with Grove Music Online.Anmärkning bestånd: Vol. 1-10
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Book, reading onsite Musik- och teaterbiblioteket Referens, inre bokhall REF Ijx 1 Available (Endast läsesalslån / Onsite reading only) temp-1009379
Total holds: 0

1. ed. published 1992, 2. ed. 1995, 3. ed. 1998

Vol. 10, Indexes: s. 2-310: Song and album title index. S. 311-740: General index

Provides information on a range of popular music genres, including rock, pop, jazz, folk, blues, heavy metal, techno, R&B, reggae, and hip-hop. This biographical encyclopedia contains a name index, an index of song titles, and bibliographies by artist and subject. Expanded to ten volumes, the new edition contains 6,000 new entries and extensive revisions and updates throughout, yielding 50% more material than the 1998 Third Edition. In addition to a fully revised 10 volume hardcover edition, The Encyclopedia of Popular Music will go online in 2007 as a regularly updated subscription product that will be interactive with Grove Music Online.

Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
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