Voicing the popular : on the subjects of popular music / Richard Middleton

Av: Utgivning: New York, N.Y. : Routledge, 2006Beskrivning: viii, 339 s. : musiknoterISBN:
  • 0-415-97589-1 (inb.)
  • 0-415-97590-5 (hft.)
Ämne: DDK-klassifikation:
  • 781.6409 23/swe
  • Ijxp
1 Introduction : 'We're Low, We're Low, We're Very, Very Low' ; 2 Through a Mask Darkly : Voices of Black Folk ; 3 Appropriating the Phallus? : Female Voices and the Law-of-the-Father ; 4 Once More with Feeling : On the Subjects of Repetition ; 5 The Real Thing? : The Spectre of Authenticity
Sammanfattning: Brings together aspects of political economy, cultural history, and musical interpretation to examine the rise of popular music
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1 Introduction : 'We're Low, We're Low, We're Very, Very Low' ; 2 Through a Mask Darkly : Voices of Black Folk ; 3 Appropriating the Phallus? : Female Voices and the Law-of-the-Father ; 4 Once More with Feeling : On the Subjects of Repetition ; 5 The Real Thing? : The Spectre of Authenticity

Brings together aspects of political economy, cultural history, and musical interpretation to examine the rise of popular music

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