The Monthly mask of vocal music 1702-11 [Musiktryck] : a facsimile edition / edited by Olive Baldwin and Thelma Wilson

Medverkande: Utgivning: Aldershot : Ashgate, 2007Beskrivning: 360 sISBN:
  • 0-7546-5793-0
  • 978-0-7546-5793-4
  • 783 22 (machine generated)
  • Xoab(s)
  • Xoaek
  • Xra(s)
Sånger av följande kompositörer: Bedford Aldrich, John Barrett, Bassano, Thomas Benson, Berenclow, John Bishop, Giovanni Bononcini, Richard Browne, John Church, Jeremiah Clarke, Thomas Clarke, Thomas Clayton, William Corbett, John Cotterell, Raphael Courteville, Robert Cox, William Croft, William Davis, George Day, John Eccles, Richard Elford, Joseph Francis, Francisco, John Freeman, Gillier, Henry Hall, Georg Friedrich Händel, Renatus Harris, Philip Hart, George Hayden, Hickes, Bartholomew Isaack, John Isham, Johann Sigismund Kusser, Richard Leveridge, Jean-Baptiste Lully, Francesco Mancini, Cornelius Manley, William Morley, Richard Pain, James Paisible, Daniel Purcell, Henry Purcell, Littleton Ramondon, Daniel Roseingrave, Alessandro Scarlatti, Samuel Smith, Timothy Style, James Townsend, James Truelove, Thomas Tudway, William Turner, George Vanbrugh, Anthony Walkeley, John Weldon, Abiell Whichello, E. White, John Wilford, Thomas Willis, Charles Ximenes, Anthony Young
Sammanfattning: Innehåller 360 enstaka sånger eller ur scenisk musik sånger som var populära under tidigt 1700-tal i EnglandSammanfattning: Contains 360 songs, showing what the public bought month by month as songs to sing, play and teach. This work serves as an important resource for scholars of the musical, theatrical, political and social life of the early 18th century
Item type Current library Call number Materials specified Copy number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Musical score Musik- och teaterbiblioteket Magasin A 2007/2016 1 Available 26201810476
Total holds: 0

Sångerna är återgivna i faksimil för olika besättning, oftast röst och basso continuo, ibland med flöjtstämma

Sånger av följande kompositörer: Bedford Aldrich, John Barrett, Bassano, Thomas Benson, Berenclow, John Bishop, Giovanni Bononcini, Richard Browne, John Church, Jeremiah Clarke, Thomas Clarke, Thomas Clayton, William Corbett, John Cotterell, Raphael Courteville, Robert Cox, William Croft, William Davis, George Day, John Eccles, Richard Elford, Joseph Francis, Francisco, John Freeman, Gillier, Henry Hall, Georg Friedrich Händel, Renatus Harris, Philip Hart, George Hayden, Hickes, Bartholomew Isaack, John Isham, Johann Sigismund Kusser, Richard Leveridge, Jean-Baptiste Lully, Francesco Mancini, Cornelius Manley, William Morley, Richard Pain, James Paisible, Daniel Purcell, Henry Purcell, Littleton Ramondon, Daniel Roseingrave, Alessandro Scarlatti, Samuel Smith, Timothy Style, James Townsend, James Truelove, Thomas Tudway, William Turner, George Vanbrugh, Anthony Walkeley, John Weldon, Abiell Whichello, E. White, John Wilford, Thomas Willis, Charles Ximenes, Anthony Young

Innehåller 360 enstaka sånger eller ur scenisk musik sånger som var populära under tidigt 1700-tal i England

Contains 360 songs, showing what the public bought month by month as songs to sing, play and teach. This work serves as an important resource for scholars of the musical, theatrical, political and social life of the early 18th century

Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
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