George Russell's Lydian chromatic concept of tonal organization. Vol. 1, The art and science of tonal gravity

Av: Utgivning: Brookline, Mass. : Concept Pub. Co., 2001Utgåva: 4. edBeskrivning: 252 s. : musiknoter ; 28 cm. + Chart A (1 utvikbart blad)ISBN:
  • 0-9703739-0-2 (v. 1)
  • 978-0-9703739-0-8 (v. 1)
  • Lydian chromatic concept of tonal organization
Ämne: DDK-klassifikation:
  • 781.264 21
  • Ijai
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Book Musik- och teaterbiblioteket Magasin A A 5434 1 Available 26201831355
Total holds: 0

Lydian chromatic scale charts included.

Includes bibliographical references, discography (v. 1, p. 249) and index.

Musik- och teaterbiblioteket
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