Eduard Tubin : piano works : papers given at the conferences organized by the Baltic Institute ... 1981 and 1985

Medverkande: Språk: Svenska Serie: Kungl. Musikaliska akademiens skriftserie ; 51Utgivning: Stockholm : [Musikaliska akad.] : [Rikskonserter] [[distributör]], 1986Tillverkare: [Stockholm] : [Blomberg o Janson]Beskrivning: 63 s. ill., musiknoter 19 cmISBN:
  • 9185428450
Ämne: DDK-klassifikation:
  • 780.92 22 (machine generated)
  • ML 134
  • ML 156.5
  • MT 145
  • Ijz Tubin, Eduard(k)
  • ML 134
  • ML 156.5
  • MT 145
Innehåll: Piano works by Eduard Tubin : a survey and performance (1981) / Vardo Rumessen. Northern lights and Lappish magic : reflections on Eduard Tubin's piano sonata (1981) / Gunnar Larsson. Eduard Tubin's compositions : list of works, discography and bibliography (1985) / Harry Olt
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Book Musik- och teaterbiblioteket Magasin A C 6624 1 Available 26201038190
Book, reading onsite Musik- och teaterbiblioteket Referens, inre bokhall REF Ij(s) a 1 Available (Endast läsesalslån / Onsite reading only) 26201038189
Total holds: 0

Härtill ljudkassetter

Innehåll: Piano works by Eduard Tubin : a survey and performance (1981) / Vardo Rumessen. Northern lights and Lappish magic : reflections on Eduard Tubin's piano sonata (1981) / Gunnar Larsson. Eduard Tubin's compositions : list of works, discography and bibliography (1985) / Harry Olt


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